Title Sequence

Created as a both a personal and school project, my title sequence was developed to show my skills in the mediums of photography, videography, and animation. Students were instructed to create a story for a hypothetical film, which would be developed into the title sequence following the conceptualization and creation of the stylistic queues associated with the story.


Create a compelling story with a visual design system that speaks to the narrative themes

Create a comprehensive visual system and structure

Art direct and create all photographic materials

Utilize text animations


Adobe After Effects

Adobe Premier

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Fresco

DSLR Camera

Preliminary Development.


Vivienne is a freelance writer in Chicago who agrees to write a sequel to her debut novel under a noteable publishing house. She struggles to find inspiration, however, as she departs into writing her story, the emotional turmoil associated with the pressures of delivering a stellar novel take over, and she begins to lose sight between reality & fiction.


Genre Psych Thriller

Theme Grief & Art

Audience General (18-60)


Company Mise En Scene

Producer Elise Johnson

Director Marcus Gonzalez

Casting Lucy Jones

Starring Margo Drake, James O’Connor, Alice Wolfe

Editor Eileen Pax

Music Hanna Lindgren


Design Development.


Refined Storyboard

Style Frame

Through the use of bleeding ink textures, the ideas of literature and the fine line between reality and fiction are symbolized.

Ink is used to drive the plot of the sequence through its movement. The ink will overtake the screen, consuming the typography, which is representative of Vivienne’s book consuming her psyche.

Colors will be minimal, however, red will be introduced to give a sense of alarm and danger.

Final Title Sequence.

Curious? Check out some of my other projects.